However, the sunvisor is only a part of building your dream ride. To create a vehicle that you will enjoy driving and that can compete with the best looking trucks in the world, additional features are required. Our subject of discussion today is bumpers.
Although the sunvisor is more than likely the custom part you see the most from inside the cab, the bumper is probably the part that other drivers see the most. In all, there are approximately four types of truck bumpers other than moose guards which are discussed in a previous blog post. These are the Tapered, Texas Square, Boxed End, and American Eagle bumpers.
The Tapered bumper is a common bumper seen on stock trucks, those straight out of the factory. However, all tapered bumpers are not plain. Custom 20-inch tapered bumpers look just as impressive as any other custom bumper on the market.
Tapered Bumper
Custom Tapered Bumper
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The Texas Square bumper is the closest of the four bumper categories to completely custom than the following two custom bumper types. Texas Square bumpers are amongst the best looking truck bumpers, and with sizes up to 24 inches, they can give your truck the awesome look you want.
Texas Square Bumper
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Both the Boxed End bumper and the American Eagle bumper are actually custom products; therefore, both will be discussed jointly. In reality, there is little difference between the Boxed End and the American Eagle bumper styles. Both have the front plate of the Texas Square bumper with an additional folded side panel. This side panel is the key difference between the two. On the Boxed End, this panel extend to a flat edge, but, on the American Eagle, it conforms to the wheel of the vehicle.
Boxed End Bumper
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American Eagle Bumper
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Regardless of the bumper design you choose, you will be impressed with the improvement in your truck's appearance. Safe travels to you; tune in for Part 3 of Building Your Dream Ride later this week.