Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Truckers Unite Product Line

Truckers Unite is a grassroots movement of truckers and citizens who support them. Our goal is to call for Congress to stop overloading one of America's most essential industries with unnecessary burdens. Truckers, their families, and their supporters also vote in our national elections, and we have the ability to appoint leadership that will help America move forward.

With the current truckload of regulations, mandates, and changes to existing laws, truckers are surrounded by an alphabet soup of political causes. Truckers need a system that allows them to work without constant changes to their vehicles, their work hours, and their in-cab systems. By uniting with America's haulers, you can show your support for the industry that supplies your food, gas, car, clothes, appliances, furniture, and much more.

Stand with America's truckers with the following list of Truckers Unite merchandise. Let's put America back on the highway to success.

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