Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Professional Driver's Pet Peeves

As a professional driver, you are constantly surrounded by hundreds of other motorists. From other truck drivers to daily commuters, the decisions of these motorists affect you day-in and day-out. Part of the purpose of the RoadRunner 2K blog is to allow truckers to share what they know with other drivers.

My question for you in this blog post is: What Behaviors Frustrate You Most on the Road?

For me, nine actions I see commonly are on my list of irritations, but I want to hear yours in the comment box below.

  1. Easing up to a traffic light or stop sign.
  2. Failing to stop at a stop sign.
  3. Going through a traffic light a millisecond before the light changes to red.
  4. Refusing to travel at the speed limit on a two-lane road with no passing.
  5. Running along the road beside another vehicle as both head toward a merge lane.
  6. Passing in the slow lane at speeds faster than the fast lane.
  7. Matching another vehicle's speed so as to travel neck-and-neck down the highway.
  8. Turning too sharply on a double-lane turn, forcing the inside vehicle to stop or slow down to avoid a collision.
  9. Merging onto a freeway at a speed far below the speed limit, so as to slow down traffic.
A bonus: Preventing another vehicle from passing by accelerating when the vehicle accelerates and slowing down when the passing vehicle slows.

If you have any other pet-peeves that you would like to pass along, please leave them below. Thank you for reading the RoadRunner 2K Blog.


  1. Josh,
    I'm not a truck driver, but work in the industry as an IT support specialist for employees in an up and coming 3PL.

    As a motorist I might be one of those that creeps up to a stop light from time to time. My argument is that it saves on gas and brakes (more on the brakes than the gas).

    Otherwise, I tend to agree with just about everything on this list!

    Here's one of my pet peeves as a motorist: People who fail to use their blinkers. I've just about become convinced that people in the south don't know what a blinker is.

    - David (@AAT_DAVID on Twitter)

    1. Thanks for sharing that. What I mean by creeping up to the stop light is you are coming down the road with either the right of way or the light in your favor. There is an intersection ahead. A car is pulling into the intersection. Their light is red, or they have a stop sign. However, they continue to move towards the road and you, making you have to honk or swerve to avoid a T-bone collision. I should have been more clear.

  2. Number 4 and number 7 top my list!!!


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